New concept catering

Hungry? Zhang Xuhao: The penetration rate of catering is still not high. The distribution team can be expanded four or five times

Hungry? Zhang Xuhao: The penetration rate of catering is still not high. The distribution team can be expanded four or five times

【十大菠菜靠谱平台】Tencent Science and technology news on November 18, at the third World Internet Conference, Hungry me CEO Zhang Xuhao accepted an interview with Tencent science and technology, and shared the future development strategy of hungry me and the development trend of the takeaway industry。

Hungry? Zhang Xuhao: The penetration rate of catering is still not high. The distribution team can be expanded four or five times

【十大菠菜靠谱平台】Tencent Science and technology news on November 18, at the third World Internet Conference, Hungry me CEO Zhang Xuhao accepted an interview with Tencent science and technology, and shared the future development strategy of hungry me and the development trend of the takeaway industry。

  • 分类:Company news
  • Release time:2021-11-19 17:04
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Hungry? Zhang Xuhao: The penetration rate of catering is still not high. The distribution team can be expanded four or five times

Tencent Science and technology news on November 18, at the third World Internet Conference, Hungry me CEO Zhang Xuhao accepted an interview with Tencent science and technology, and shared the future development strategy of hungry me and the development trend of the takeaway industry。

Zhang Xuhao believes that the current penetration rate of catering merchants is not high, there are about 700,000 to 800,000 merchants on the hungry me platform, and the number of catering merchants in China is about more than 3 million, in fact, the coverage of the entire merchant is only 20% to 30%。

Although hungry me channel sinking has covered more than 1,000 cities across the country, in Zhang Xuhao's view, Hungry me still has a lot of room for expansion, not only to cover new cities, the original cities also need to do deeper and more thorough, including Beijing, Shanghai and many restaurants have not been on the platform, such as some hotel restaurants。Zhang Xuhao revealed that the current hungry me every day to add 10,000 merchants。

Based on this understanding, Zhang Xuhao believes that hungry me still needs a lot of excellent ground push personnel to increase merchants and provide services for merchants。

"We still believe that the push is a very important force in the future, and the communication with merchants can not be without the intervention of people.。But more important is to provide better training for the ground push personnel, so the future growth and development of the ground push personnel training is very important to us。”

In addition, one of the keys to improve the penetration rate is the matching of logistics, this year, launched an important product in logistics - punctual arrival, every consumer will know the exact time when placing an order, if the time exceeds the will pay compensation。

"In recent times, our average delivery time has been under 30 minutes。”

An important tool to improve logistics efficiency is big data and artificial intelligence, Zhang Xuhao introduced that hungry me now spends a lot of time on data and artificial intelligence, trying to solve the peak time how to equip more people to come, in addition to the restaurant meal time forecast。

At present, the research and application of hungry me in artificial intelligence and big data are mainly divided into three chunks, users, merchants and distribution, and the most difficult and future value lies in distribution。How to make the model of supply and demand forecast more accurate, for example, to predict in advance which areas will be very large, and then need to deploy more logistics personnel;Which areas can now be combined and combined。"Maybe at the scheduling level and forecasting level, things that need artificial intelligence and big data need to be used more.。”

Zhang Xuhao introduced that in terms of logistics, hungry me will also cooperate with the rookie network, such as same-city logistics。As the main working hours of Ele. me's distribution team are concentrated in the noon and evening, the usual time is relatively free, so this kind of intra-city logistics service is very suitable for Ele. me's distribution team。

Zhang Xuhao said, "The income of logistics personnel on Ele. me platform is the highest。This will also become a major advantage of Ele. me delivery service competition。

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